What is life ?
What keeps two people in a relationship?
I have been brooding on this question for quite some time now. The answer still eludes me.
If it is the basic need to be cared and loved for, then when does it get manifested?
If the sharing & caring happens during good times, do we regard the gesture with value?
If the support is provided during the hardship, do we even recognise such an act among other issues that we perceive to have?
When i seek an answer to a question, all i do is end up with dozen more.
Won't it be nice that options in life present themselves as objective types questions with decisive options to choose from?
I have always heard people grumble how complicated their lives are or how complicated the choices are.. Will I even meet someone who says that life is so simple and uncomplicated?
Couple of days back , I was brought to standstill by the magnitude of issues before me. Now, everything looks manageable. I would go to the extend of saying that I believe I can handle them on piece meal basis. The issues are still the same as it was couple of days back. Something changed in me that helped me look at things differently.
I have always been a daydreamer, solving issues in minutes in my dreams , where my will is absolute. When will I ever lead my dreams to the path of reality?
While I am surrounded by problems , I am also surrounded by good hearted people who support me. The degree of support vaires from person to person, but supoort noentheless and I am very grateful for that.