Saturday, November 30, 2019

Crisis Management : My perspective

Today, in software industry, we hear surreal stories about heroes saving projects from failure, with their single-mindedness and with very little regard to their personal lives.

Such stories are really motivating for others and in general used as benchmark for great performances. Everyone around those projects would want to bask in this glory by happily inflating their part in this success.

In that collective euphoria, we don't introspect to see why we ended up facing the crisis in the first place. Somehow, the act of introspection of such a project is considered disrespectful to those who pulled off such a stupendous feat.

For as long as i can remember, I have held similar opinion.
But, I don't believe that to be true anymore and these hero stories really merit closer scrutiny.

These exalted heroes could have been the architect of the very crisis they rescued the projects from; through their part in poor planning and shoddy execution.

Don't get me wrong. I don't intend to be sarcastic or belittle superhuman effort that went to recover the project. I am merely lamenting the absence of an honest reflection with an intent of never getting into another crisis.

The habit of successfully getting out of one crisis after another and the adulation that follows the crisis recovery threatens to get ingrained into organizational psyche. Longer we feed this monster, faster it would drain the organization's resources & resolve.

For a while , I have wondered why well executed projects are not celebrated in an organization.
On the contrary, if a project is completed on time without issues, it is popular belief that the project must certainly not have been complex enough.

We owe this attitude to a common psychological bias, where we are tuned towards negativity mainly because a bad event is sudden and impactful.
A good event/behavior is incremental, built over time and more preventive in nature ("prevents bad event from occurring").

This means projects in crisis markets itself,  while project executed on-plan should be consciously marketed to bring it to the management's attention.

Let me drive this point further with a simple analogy.

There were three brilliant physicians. The first one was a surgeon who saved lives of people in critical conditions through invasive methods. People thronged his hospital, everyone in the country knew him and he was wealthy.

The second physician looked at the early symptoms and prescribes medicines that would cure their ailments. He was also well known and respected, but only in his village.

Third physician would advise on practices to follow in order to lead a life of absolute health. Neither anyone listens to him nor respects him.

In today's world, there is strong and increasing need for "Third physician".

It is no longer enough to execute a project well but we should also aggressively promote it.

It is our responsibility to show that disciplined execution of projects will be rewarded by the organization.

To show that one can be successful in both work and life and not necessarily have to choose one over the other.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Tuesday morning conversation with my son


Jeffrey and I have started engaging in conversations that I find very rewarding.
He asks questions and I try to answer them to the best of my ability and that is the equation in our conversations.

I have come to the realization that it is lot easier to face questions from an adult.
My 5 year old has fundamental questions  that I have taken for granted. Maybe I had the same questions when I was a kid.

When did we stop being curious? Curious about everything ! Anything ???

Sometimes i think humans regress as a race when we grow up. We are better off as kids.

The pace at which the kids learn new topics is mind-blowing.

Jeffrey has immersed himself into the world of super-heroes and my youngest brother is his mentor on the subject. It is a sight to behold to see both of them talk on that subject.

His sense of morality is distilled from the world of super-heroes & not our religious text.
I personally find the virtues of super-heroes more relatable than those i find in book of faith.

But to give him broader perspective, my wife bought him a book on bible stories. He liked those stories too.

Now I am wondering & waiting how he will process these two distinct worlds to make his own assertions.  He has started to do that already.

I am registering one such conversation i had with my son this morning, for posterity.😊

Normally, I spend time with him just before he goes to sleep. Nothing fancy, just boys stuff. 😊
Last night when i came back from office , Jeffrey was already asleep. I missed that precious time with my son.

When I woke up today and saw him, he was wide-eyed, ready & waiting to strike a conversation.
Without any small talk, he went straight in.

Jeffrey : "Ultron, can you fly underwater?"
Me      : "Yes, I can . I will rule the oceans"
Jeffrey : "Aquaman is the king of Ocean"
Jeffrey : "Ultron, why are you bad?"
Jeffrey : "Why don't you save grid ? He is trapped by Cyborg"

For the uninitiated, Ultron is the Super villain robot in Avengers [ Marvel Cinematic universe ] .
Grid is a similar super villain robot in DC universe where Cyborg is one of DC's super heroes.
And we do role plays by imitating super heroes & villains.

Lets stop here and continue with the conversation.

With my best imitation of Ultron's voice.. 

Me       : "Yes , I have plans to save Grid and together we will destroy humans."
Jeffrey : "Why do you want to destroy humans?"
Me       : "Because humans are bad. They destroy trees and use plastic."
Jeffrey : "God created humans. Everything god created is beautiful."
Me       : "Okay. Then I will rule all people on earth"
Jeffrey : "Jesus is the king of earth."
Me       : "Then, what should i do?"
Jeffrey : "Collect some money. Go and work in the fields"
Me       : "I am the most sophisticated machine that man has ever built and I am a super villian!.  You expect me to work in the fields?"
Jeffrey : "Yes" ( definitive answer)

When i thought we reached  logical end to our short conversation , after a long pause, he asked the toughest question of all.

Jeffrey : "When was god born?"

It didn't seem that tough to me..I got this ! I started right away..

Me       : "Jesus was born approximately 2000 years ago. We don't know the exact year or date though".

He gave me a weird look..

Jeffrey : "I said 'GOD' not 'JESUS'".

Now, it was my time to take a long pause. 

Me       : "GOD has always existed from the beginning of times"

By the look of him , I realized he was not impressed with my answer. Even i wasn't buying it. So....

Me       : "I don't know when God was born. We will find it out together."

I could see he was satisfied with this answer and like that, Jeffrey & I started this journey to find answers.

I don't really know if we will find answers but I am enjoying travelling this road with my son. 😊