Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Socialist State of America.

Almost 18 months earlier from today, I was heavily influenced by the vision of a young democrat who seemed to have started a movement in a land, far-away. A movement against status-quo, a movement for change.
Barack Obama was looked at as common man's voice. His journey in life symbolised the sense of optimism & oppotunity , which are very much the integral part of "The American Dream". The younger generation rallied behind him. At that time, the prevailing resentment on previous administration fuelled this movement and he was rising the political ladder rapidly.
Even I was touched by the sense of optimism surrounding his presidential campaign. I celebrated his victory like mine.
In a few days from now, we will be witnessing the first anniversary of Obama's rule. Refelecting on his legacy as president, I found him wanting.
His key achievements are:
1. Sending additional troops on a large scale to fight a war on terror in Afghanistan.
2. Inability to present a pragmatic plan to pull out of Iraq.
3. Inability to close Guantanamo Bay Camp on the promised time frame.
4. Trying to pass resloution on a compromised Healthcare bill that has lost its soul.
5. Increasing state control on businesses under the pretext of stimulus package.
We can attribute part of his failure, to the magnitude of the issues faced during his administration. As if the two costly wars in Iraq & Afghanistan weren't enough, he had to bear the brunt of recession. These are tough problems. Tough problems require people with strong will and tenacity to ask tough questions and act tough.
With all honesty, no one expected the US presidency to be walk in the park either.

All his major decisions can be atrributed to his lack of support from the political system. The US political elite are a bunch of opportunistic scavengers who feast on another's handicap. We cannot expect anything better than this.

So, I am generously willing to pardon all his decisions except the one to indirectly increase state control on businesses.

America is not a country. Infact it is a symbol, one that represents equality and fairness in trade. It is the promised land for free and unregulated market.
Unbridled commerce based on sound priciples is the very fabric of America.

Commerce was the underlying reason for all the famous and infamous wars that were fought in our history. If someone is trying to restraint commerce itself, by prirotising the needs of people over business profitability, then it is not a blunder. It is cardinal sin.

Banks and industries were helped using Tax payers money to revive the economy. The benefits of this monetary assistance are passed on the tax payers indirectly by the improving climate for job opportunities.

The persisting Big-Brother attitude of US government towards industries gives us the sour taste of a socialist regime. It sure looks like we have passed the peak of American glory and dominance in Commerce.

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