Friday, July 29, 2011


I reached my office in Australia & I was swept by the Tea Sapti wave on the very first day.

I am quite comfortable in an alien environment & I can get along with people pretty fast.  But I didn't want to impose myself on the first day. So I was being the silent observer [ not for long ;) ] weighing up everyone in the team, during our tea break.

That is when I noticed a tall guy with an imposing demeanour being brash in his conversation with the guys & they were enjoying his diatribe. Strangely, I started liking it too.

I don't know how long it took for me to feel very comfortable in his presence. All I know is that it was the shortest period in my experience.

Our friendship progressed from strength to strength & my admiration for him grew exponentially. Most of my best memories in Australia would involve him.

I realised his real charm when he left us to join another company. Marsden tribe that was so active and boisterous had suddenly become silent for most parts. Smiles on the team's face were less frequent. People became endlessly busy in work or busy pretending to be busy. :)

Let me be the first to admit that he was the team's lynchpin. People, when around him, seem to have more fun than otherwise. He has mastered the craft of raising us to excited state of energy. I observed that many in the team looked up to him for more than technical inputs.

God has blessed him with charisma and he is making the most of it. :)

Office setting was just a rehearsal studio for his theatrics. If you want to see him at his best, you will have to witness the spectacle he creates in the grand stage, the cricket field. :)

I love him more for his on field persona than his explosive & destuctive batting.

His statements are equivocal. He is equally vocal in praising or criticizing someone.

He is very creative & articulate. His abundant creative energy usually gets channelised in coining nick names. He is a pioneer in that field.  I always end up laughing my guts out when i hear those legendary names.

If he reads this post, he would be extremely dissapointed because his name has appeared only once in the title of this post. And "Ctrl+F" on his name, would have returned blank so far.

So , as a last ditch attempt to make him happy....

Vibhor, Vibhor, Vibhor, Vibhor, Vibhor, Vibhor, Vibhor, Vibhor, Vibhor, Vibhor , Vibhor

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